
Sometimes, I don’t want to do something, to go somewhere. I beleive that, whatever the thing is, will be horrible. But sometimes, that thing, that I dreaded so much, ends up being a fond memory. Yesterday was one of those days.
We woke up early; We were going to take pictures, like we had the day before. I got into the cramped car, turned my tablet on, and open my book. My book was

The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster.

We drove for a while, I don’t know how long, but I know it was long enough to make me want to throw up. My dad stoped the car at the summer camp my brother works at, and my mom and brother got out, causing quite the commotion. My sisters shouted that they wanted out, but my mom said no. After my mom and brother left, I unbuckled, and got out of the car. I stretched as my other sisters got out, followed by my dad. They (My sisters) starting walking towards the pasture behind the barn, where two donkeys and a horse were.

True Story

My dad caught a turtle yesterday, so we put it in a box. So earlier my sister was cleaning the box, and I went outside to help her. Something flew in my hair, and figuring it was a fly, I reached my hand up to hit it and get it out. It stung my finger, so I put my hand down and calmly (Okay more like panicked/scared) asked my sister to get it out. SHe goes “It’s a wasp!! ” So trying not to scream I go  “Get mom! Hurrrrrryyyyyyy!” So my mom comes and gets it off.

THIS is why I don’t go outside….

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The Outfit

Faded Lace tan-ish Outfit

This is the outfit I said I would show. It is an unusaul color, so it was harder. But I think it looks pretty. It took 45 min to make. If you like it please comment!


Okay, so I’m gonna (try) to talk about what I plan to do. First of all, I want to get a wonderful education. I can’t do anything with out education. I REALLY love art, and I love writing. I think I am going to Write/Illustrate books, but that’s IF my art and writing gets better. I also am pretty good at fashion, so maybe I could do that. I will post an outfit soon. Probably later today. But for a other job, I would like to be a veterinarian, make games, or work at a children’s hospital. I have spent a lot of time at children’s hospitals for my sister so that would be fun. But that’s all. BYEEEE


( try this link) I got an idea while on pinterest. When I was in public school, in gifted class we made Borax crystals. So I’m going to tell you how to make them.

What you’ll need:

–Borax laundry detergent booster
–pipe cleaners
–pencil or chopstick

You take the pipe cleaner and make it into a shape.You can do snowflakes if you want to use it on the Christmas tree.If you want to make long, straight icicles, that’s even easier. Just make sure you have a container tall (yogurt containers work.)  enough that will hold the pipe cleaners without them touching the bottom.Use string to tie your snowflakes onto a pencil or chopstick–anything long enough to span the container you’re using.Mix up a batch of Borax solution: 1/3 cup of Borax to 2 cups of boiling water. Stir the mixture until the Borax is dissolved, about 2 to 3 minutes.Submerge your pipe cleaner snowflakes in the Borax solution, making sure they don’t touch the sides or bottom of your container, or each other if you’re doing multiple snowflakes in one pot.Got to bed and when you wake up WALA! A beautiful borax thing. Then you can pull it out.